Google Shopping Ads now offer conversion annotations

Google Shopping Ads now offer conversion annotations

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Google Shopping Ads now offer conversion annotations, allowing merchants to display a product’s popularity directly within their Google Shopping ad listings.

Google is encouraging merchants to enable “conversion annotations,” which are social proof badges indicating a product’s purchase popularity when shown in Google Shopping ads.

What’s new?

Conversion annotations, such as “best selling” or “1K shopped here recently,” provide visual indicators of a product’s sales performance directly within the ad unit.


Conversion annotations incentivize advertisers to share valuable purchase data with Google to enhance visibility. However, they must balance this with concerns about data privacy.

The pitch: Google asserts that conversion annotations can:

  • Enhance the shopping experience by showcasing top products.
  • Build trust and social proof by highlighting customer interactions.
  • Ultimately, drive more purchases by making listings more prominent.

Behind the feature: These annotations rely on merchants sharing aggregated conversion data from their sales.

Requirements: Merchants must have conversion tracking enabled in Google Merchant Center and opt-in to share purchase history for annotation use.

This article available in Ukrainian.

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